Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Governor Walker PUNK'D! Reveals his busted plan to Cripple Dems & the WI Unions

Gov. Walker is an idiot. Nothing new, but now we have proof of his foolishness. A blogger acted as David Koch and got Walker to spill the beans. Please listen to the entire conversation


  1. Even before this scandal, everytime I looked at this guy all I would think is puppet and/or ventriloquist dummy.

  2. Too good for words. The Mighty Kochtopus will have to sever this precious tentacle named Walker and let it drift off into the murky abyss of his own inaptitude. Hell Week is a cakewalk in comparassion to this week where psychos like Gaddaffi, Walker and others have been having a megalomaniacal pow-vow

  3. Too good for words. The Mighty Kochtopus will have to sever this precious tentacle named Walker and let it drift off into the murky abyss of his own inaptitude. Hell Week is a cakewalk in comparassion to this week where psychos like Gaddaffi, Walker and others have been having a megalomaniacal pow-vow

  4. He's no Ronald Reagan.
