Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Census Confirms a More Diverse Future

Diversity is coming and coming strong!

A new census report confirms that our country is becoming more and more diverse.
Mississippi, Virginia, New Jersey and Louisiana all had declines in their populations of white residents ages 18 and under, according to the bureau’s first detailed report on the 2010 Census.
That drove declines in the overall white population for the decade in three of the four states. Only Virginia, whose northern suburbs have been growing fast, had a rise. 

Growth in the number of white youths slowed sharply in the 1990s, up by just 1 percent in the decade, as the number of white women of childbearing age fell, according to Kenneth M. Johnson, a demographer at the University of New Hampshire

More recently, it has dipped into a decline. The number of whites under the age of 20 fell by 6 percent between 2000 and 2008, Mr. Johnson said, citing countrywide census estimates.
Instead, growth has come from minorities, particularly Hispanics, as more Latino women enter their childbearing years. Blacks, Asians and Hispanics accounted for about 79 percent of the national population growth between 2000 and 2009, Mr. Johnson said. 

The result has been a changed American landscape, with whites now a minority of the youth population in 10 states, including Arizona, where tensions over immigration have flared, said William H. Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution

“This is a huge demographic transformation,” Mr. Frey said. “A cultural generation gap is emerging.”
Maybe this is fools like the Tea Party are acting like assholes. They know we will check their asses for their foolishness in the future.



  1. Yeah, I see it in my city. But you know what, I don't mind it. I embrace the cultural changes it has brought just as my Italian ancestors brought theirs.

    And I've long said the Tea Baggers entire basis of existence is rooted in racism. Their timing is what leads me to believe this. They didn't start their crap until AFTER a black man was elected President of the United States.

    If they're so concerned with spending, taxes, etc. why the hell weren't the Tea Baggers revolting under George W. Bush whose administration was giving away the candy store.

  2. Speaking from the heart I just hope this new frontier will not be marked by violence.
