Sunday, January 9, 2011

Westboro Baptist Church vows to Picket the Funerals of the 6 people gunned down in Arizona

This is so wrong! This Hate Group has vowed to picket the funerals! And they had the nerve to create this flyer

They need their asses beat for this!



  1. Half the people in Arizona are gun-carrying psychopaths. If Westboro shows up at a funeral, especially the little girl's funeral, there will be a shootout for sure.

  2. Of course they do! I hate to be mean...BUT...I wouldn't mind if a gunman opened fire on them

  3. If we return or respond to violence with more violence, we're only part of the problem.
    We can't tolerate or accept it, or sit back and do nothing. That's for sure! But we certainly can't wish the same kind of violence in return as retribution. That doesn't work, and it only fuels the other side's justification for it. We are better than that. We are the voice of reason and intellect. We have to respond to hate and violence with reason and work to solve the problem, not just put a band aid on it, or worse yet, increase the violence. We have to be the ones to take the initiative to heal our wounds. A house divided against itself cannot stand....

  4. I seriously question the mentality of the members of the Westboro Baptist Church. They're so misguided with everything! If they put half the energy into putting preaching the message of love and forgiveness, the true message of Christianity, as they did hate, their church would be a force for good...

    I agree with the previous comments that responding with more violence will only create more problems. But then how do we deal we deal with this disease of people?!?! They're like a cancer that keeps spreading. While they have the right to freedom of speech...Lord, it just sickens me to no end how they use the name of God to advocate hate and revulsion at any opportunity. SMH.
