Friday, January 14, 2011

Sarah Palin: 7 Things this Heifer Could Have Done

Sarah Palin kinda sealed her fate this week. Her past actions came back to haunt her as the Giffords shooting placed a huge "your fault" in her lap. And instead of doing the right thing, she (as RuPaul would say) F**ked it up.

So I'm going to pretend like I'm her advisor and present 7 things Moose Mess could have done to save face.
  1. She should have removed those ads months ago. The minute the media reported on her crosshairs ad, she should removed it. Any true politician knows that every little thing can hurt you. She should have known better from the 2008 campaign.
  2. She should spoke on Saturday, not on Wednesday. 
  3. Also, by speaking on Saturday, Sarah could have mentioned that she will remove the ads as an act of respect, instead of secretly scrubbing her site and Facebook.
  4. Sarah should have mentioned the victims in her speech.
  5. Sarah should not have had her aides speaking for her, they only made matters worse.
  6. Sarah should have admitted that her crosshairs ad was wrong and apologized from the message it sent.
  7. She should have researched "blood libel".


  1. But you're taking into account that she is not a moron.

  2. V:

    I hate to speak ill of anyone, especially since Obama in his stellar speech on Wednesday said we should respect and listen to the views of others

    But I have to make an exception with Palin -- that woman is a big fat idiot. And the media gives her FAR too much attention.

    I don't care what anybody says. I'm a grown black man and I've been around and experienced some shit. Palin appeals to people who are secretly angry a black man (albeit one with a white mama) is in the White House.

    She is a lens for them to focus their vitriol through, no matter that that lens is cloudy and cracked.

    Any person with sense, Republican, Democrat, Vegan or Wiccan, can listen to Palin's speech and Obama's speech and figure out who is the best leader and who isn't.

    Only those clouded by hate, resentment, and fear would support her.

    Nuf said...let me not bore you

    Thanks for your blog...God Bless You for all your hard is very informative and keeps me up on a lot of things haappening in the gay community and the world at large

  3. ...and Number 8?
    Survey Says:
    Stayed in Wasilla, Alaska and out of everyone else's business.

  4. Oh, and Immanuel, you are so right on!

  5. Wonder Man, totaly right on, as usual...

    Mechadude, I don't think she has a political strategy - everything she does is for the camera.

  6. Sarah is meth and I bet she shoots it.
    She makes no sense at all. However, what goes around comes around.
