Thursday, January 6, 2011

Now John McCain WILL support the DADT Repeal

After throwing the biggest fit of his career over DADT, McCain claims he will support it.
The Hill reports:
McCain signaled that he had made peace with the lame-duck bill to do away with the military's ban on openly gay and lesbian service members, of which he had been an outspoken critic.

"I think I have to do everything I can to make sure that the [impact on the] morale, retention, recruitment and battle effectiveness of the military is minimized as much as possible," McCain said on Fox Business. "It is a law and I have to do whatever I can to help the men and women who are serving, particularly in combat, cope with this new situation. I will do everything I can to make it work."
Something must have clicked somewhere in his head. Either, Cindy threaten to leave his ass or he realized what a major asshole he was about it... Something happened.