Wednesday, January 19, 2011

New Polls: Moose Mess and the Tea Party are at an All-Time Low

According to some new polls, Sarah Palin and the Tea Party are not America's Sweethearts.

CNN reports:
A new national poll indicates that 56 percent of all Americans have an unfavorable view of Sarah Palin, an all-time high for the former Alaska governor. That 56 percent unfavorable figure is up seven points from just before the midterm elections, according to a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll released Wednesday morning. Thirty-eight percent of people questioned in the poll say they have a favorable view of the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, down two points from October.

She's mostly unpopular with women, which are her biggest fans. And the Tea Party gets their share of the dislike too:
Fifty-two percent of the US public had an unfavorable view of "the political movement known as the Tea Party," the survey found, as opposed to only 35 percent who approved.
"Nearly three-quarters of Democrats -- including as many moderate and conservative as liberal members of the party -- have negative views of the political movement, as do half of all independents," the Post reported.
I think this is a great time for the GOP to rethink their alliances with these people. And, the Dems need to think about how to use this info wisely.