Monday, January 24, 2011

My Top 5 "Evil is Born" Movies

Being a lover of Horror, Gore and Oddities can warp your mind... And force you to watch all kinds of frakked up movies.

Over the years, I've see some interesting horror movies and my favorites tend to be the ones that are completely out the box. And these flicks are really out the box.

So please, sit back and enjoy my favorite EVIL IS BORN movie picks

The Manitou - Is that a growth on your back, or are you happy to see me

Rosemary's Baby - a Devil's child

It's Alive - a mutant baby on the loose

The Brood - A woman's rage gives birth to monsters

The Omen - The Devil had sex with a Jackal and Damien was born


  1. Good list. My favorite all-time horror movie and the only one I actually own on DVD is The Descent. Though I hear The Descent 2 sucks.

    And I don't know if it counts as horror - though it was rather horrorific - I like Battle Royale a lot too.

  2. I've never heard of The Manitou, but The Brood is my favorite. Those 'children' were some of the scariest things I've seen in a horror movie.
