Sunday, January 23, 2011

Interesting Quote: Dan Savage

"President Obama should address gay rights in his State of the Union speech this week, and he should tackle the biggest, most meaningful right of them all: the right to marry. Gay Americans are eventually going to win on marriage just like we won on military service, the president should tell Congress, so why not save everyone on both sides of the debate a lot of time, trouble and money by approving the entire gay rights agenda?"
Okay, I do believe he should address it, but right now, folks want to hear about jobs and the economy. Plus, with Health Reform is being attacked, President Obama needs to sell Health Care again and remind the public about the great deal they have in this reform.

And to be real, I rather hear about ENDA. I mean, I want to get married; but I want to know I have a job to pay for my LV themed wedding and the approved vacation days to go to Hawaii for the honeymoon. I really think if we push anything, ENDA should be first.

Also, President Obama should remind the public about DADT. If anything, he needs to talk about the success of repealing DADT and how there is more to come for equality. He could plant the seeds and set us up for the cute garden in the summer... Okay, that was a weird analogy, but I think you get what I'm saying.



  1. Sometimes I really HATE Dan Savage. I knew he would do this.
    It isn't grand enough that President Obama repealed don't ask don't tell but now he wants The President to make his entire Presidency just about gays!
    Newsflash: Most people want a new job first!
    Translation: Can it Queen!

  2. But Toddy - Savage is doing *his* job and speaking up for Us Gays. In the meantime, Obama will hopefully do his job and look at the bigger picture. Everyone has a role to play - We shouldn't shut up because bankers f**ked up the global economy.

  3. Dan Savage is right. We have to keep up the pressure even though these Repubs and Tea Party Folk ain't about to give us shit!
