Thursday, January 13, 2011

Great Hera! A Tea Party supported School Board has stop the Integration policy in Wake County, NC.

In Wake County School District, a Tea Party supported school board has showed their true colors by abolishing their well-known integration policy. This policy brought unfortunate children into solid, well performing schools.

Here's more info:
The situation unfolding here in some ways represents a first foray of tea party conservatives into the business of shaping a public school system, and it has made Wake County the center of a fierce debate over the principle first enshrined in the Supreme Court's 1954 decision in Brown v. Board of Education: that diversity and quality education go hand in hand. 

The new school board has won applause from parents who blame the old policy - which sought to avoid high-poverty, racially isolated schools - for an array of problems in the district and who say that promoting diversity is no longer a proper or necessary goal for public schools. 

"This is Raleigh in 2010, not Selma, Alabama, in the 1960s - my life is integrated," said John Tedesco, a new board member. "We need new paradigms." 

But critics accuse the new board of pursuing an ideological agenda aimed at nothing less than sounding the official death knell of government-sponsored integration in one of the last places to promote it. Without a diversity policy in place, they say, the county will inevitably slip into the pattern that defines most districts across the country, where schools in well-off neighborhoods are decent and those in poor, usually minority neighborhoods struggle. 
I was just told that several civil rights groups are looking into this foolishness. Also the NAACP is thinking of filing a lawsuit as well. This is truly sad.



  1. I read that this morning and I didn't know if that was legal or not. It left me scratching my head to tell you the truth.

  2. This just demonstrates why the Tea Baggers are BAD for the country. I hope they get their asses sued into the next century.

    I refuse to call it the Tea party since the name I used earlier is the one they preferred for themselves. That was until someone must have told them what tea bagging really was.

  3. Great Oya, save me from these fools!
