Saturday, January 22, 2011

WTF? Gay Men have Bigger Cocks than Straight Men?

This idea takes the cake. Apparently, we have bigger business than straight guys. This is news to me. But here is the story.

Gay men are better endowed than straight men, radio and TV journalist Faith Sallie told Gayle King on Friday's installment of The Gayle King Show.

It's one of many ways people can tell gay men from straight men, Salie says. The journalist appeared on the show to talk about gaydar, citing David France's 2007 article for New York magazine titled "The Science of Gaydar."

Salie says research is turning up an increasing number of ways in which gay people are different from straight people. Finger length, hair patterns and finger prints are among the other ways in which gay people and straight people differ.
Interesting to say the least. But to be honest, I've seen bigger straight cocks than gay ones.



  1. My field research back in the day had shown that there is wide variation in the overall length and girth of the male penis in the gay community.

    Faith Sallie needs to get out a little more.

  2. I'm 10.5 and think it's because of all the sucking over the years.

  3. Not bragging but...I'm sorta generously endowed. Well maybe it is because I'm so short in height that it just looks really big?
