Sunday, December 12, 2010

Trying to make sense of Obama, Taxes and the rest of the Madness

Last week was an interesting week for me and my view of politics. Usually, I'm very clear with my stance and opinions, but after the Tax Cuts drama, I'm seeing a lot of stuff that makes sense and don't at the same time.

Quick recap:

This began with Obama's "Framework" for the Tax Cuts. Just a reminder, this was an idea. This was never a done deal and at best, it was a skeleton plan. Obama presented the framework with the dreaded 2 years of the tax cuts for the rich. He placed that in the plan as a compromise to protect the unemployed and programs set up to support the middle class. Once it came out, the ideal plan was met with much hate. I mean hate that made folks completely give up on Obama and pray for a primary candidate against him in 2012. He later defended it, but also reminded folks that this deal could change if a better deal could be made.

Then came the rants and news coverage. Keith Olbermann and Rachel Maddow threw in their swings and the progressive blogs had a field day. However, there were some who supported the ideal plan or at least recognized the corner Obama was in.

The Chris Matthews segment was a great counterpoint to the drama. Fast forward a few days and you had Bill Clinton supporting the ideal plan and Sen. Bernie Sanders putting the truth out there for us to understand. But are we there yet? I don't know. I think we are caught in the middle of this mess.

So here are my quick views about all of this tax cuts melodrama.
  •  Am I mad at Obama? No, he's trying to make a cake out of Baking Soda. It's not going to taste good, but he is trying.
  • I want him to fight, but I get that he's trying to save 156 million folks from losing their unemployment benefits before that's lost in congress seat change. It's a compromise, I get that, but I still hope he fights.
  • Is there a better plan? I think so, Obama said this weekend he's open to changes to the plan. I hope the Dems are ready with ideas and details.
  • This talk of a primary challenger to Obama, ain't going to happen. Nobody is willing to toss their political career to the waste side. So, that's a no-go. Also, the reality is Obama's true base hasn't left him and they were the homebringers of his presidency, the youth and minorities.
  • This ideal plan does suck, but it could be the best way to show how ruthless the GOP really is. If they fight this tooth and nail, they will lose clout and hopefully the public will see this.
  • Obama has to be open to other ideas, I wish he and Bernie can work something out.
  • I'm concerned that most folks are not understanding the entire story. Knowing this culture, most folks don't. 
  • It's hard being a realist.
  • The GOP wanted another 10 years of Tax Cuts for the rich, Obama knocked it down to 2 years.
  • Bernie's plan could work, hopefully it won't take 8.5 hours to explain to Obama and the Dems.
  • With Bill standing on Obama's side, I think it's safe to say that the "If Hillary was in Office" mess is officially dead.
  • The extended unemployment benefits should be extended to the 99ers, but the reality is... It's expensive. Obama and Dems will need to tax the rich more to cover that charge.
  • The Tea Party should be upset more at the GOP for wanting this, but I'm sure they are not aware or care.
  • I want Obama to be tougher.
  • I also want us to be more tougher and more realistic. These unreal expectations most folks have is ridic. It's going to take more than 2 years to fix this country.
I'm wishing for next week to turn last week into a bad day dream. If a deal is made, I hope it is the best deal. And I want to see more Bernie is this "better tax plan" ordeal.


  1. I'm exasperated with Obama. Do I still support him? Yes. Am I happy with him - absolutely.

    Obama has accomplished more than people give him credit and I think history will recognize his historical accomplishment w/ regards to signing healthcare legislation into law. However, he specifically campaigned against extending the Bush tax cuts - its the equivelant of the first President Bush who campaigned saying "read my lips - no new taxes" and then in his second year signed a tax increase after being pressured by Dems in both Houses.

  2. Obama and Dems will need to tax the rich more to cover that charge

    this is a valid point everywhere but they have the money and control things; Bullshit; again come to Canada and try paying 50% of your income in taxes.

  3. Obama may have knocked it down to two years, but in two years will it really matter? In two years if he keeps going the timid way that he's going now he'll be voted out of office and the Republicans will be able to extend the tax cuts for however long they like.

    I'm very very disappointed in the last two years. The only way that it could have possibly been worse in my book is if Obama had lost and that foolish old man and that crazy bitch from Wasilla had actually won the election. McCain would probably be dead by now from the stress and that dumb as a bag of hammers bitch from Alaska would probably be president now.

  4. U=I'm still a supporter of Obama, but he does need to be tougher
