Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Real Life Goblin on the Loose in Louisiana?

No not T-Pain, a real goblin. Well, maybe a real goblin, check it out

Well, it's more than that. MovieWeb has the dilly on what this may be:
More disturbing images have crept up on the Internet today in regards to J.J. Abrams's sci-fi thriller Super 8. No real plot details have been revealed at this time, but we do know that the story will gleefully nod to the past works of Steven Spielberg, primarily the science fiction movies he made in the late 70s and early 80s.

Last Friday, a piece of concept art claiming to reveal an alien monster from the project started making the rounds. It has yet to be verified. Now, a strange photo has come forward, which is purported to be from Super 8. It first appeared on Wildgame Innovation's Facebook page. It is a picture reportedly snapped by a deer hunter on a reserve in Berwick, near Morgan City, Louisianna. It was originally being passed off as real, but now inside sources close to the production say its actually a viral image from Super 8. There is even video from a young Weirton, West Virginia extra called "Crying Girl", who talks about having a run in with this creature in the movie.

In the scene, the little girl in question is said to be trapped on an airplane with her mother, where she comes in contact with this scary creature, which the young actress refers to as "a zombie". You can check out the photo and the video below:

Marketing is really trying to upgrade


  1. Ten dollars says it's a hoax. But that would be neat if it was real.

  2. Cloverfield had a pretty big viral marketing campaign too, if I recall correctly.
