Sunday, December 5, 2010

Question of the Day: Walking Dead Edition

The last show of the season is tonight!

The series has been really, really good and story is moving along in an interesting path.

So I like to know from those who watch it... What do you think? Will you come back for season two?


Anonymous said...

I may be back. I loved Jericho but grew tired of it. I see the same thing happening here. It's been one zombie cliche after another. What's the purpose of surviving? Where does the show have to go?

The creator fired the entire writing staff so the second season should have a different feel.

Anonymous said...

I have two unrelated questions for you:

Why hasn't Smallville gone into syndication yet?

Why isn't Tron available on Netflix?

Kyle Leach said...

V, if I could I would.

WilsonW said...

I think they were on track at first, but it's meandering a bit for me now. I understand deviating from the way the comic was done so that the content is new for both comic fans and new fans. But they aren't spending enough time really developing the stories of the main group of characters. At this point when deaths and things happen in the future, they won't be as impactful.

The whole CDC thing is still up in the air for me and even seems a bit out of character for the Rick that I know. But we'll see. I'm just hoping that the deviations don't mean I won't get to see Michonne is the future.

@Sean-Do you know why he fired his writing staff? And who exactly is "the creator" considered to be? I don't think Robert Kirkman has the power to fire any staff since the rights were purchased from him by the channel. I could be wrong though.

Ken Riches said...

Absolutely, love the show, sad that the first season is only 6 episodes.

Jamie Paisley said...

@Kwan - It's also interesting to note Kirkman is one of the executive producers of the TV version, and he wrote the episode 'Vatos', so there'd better be some input in there.

Wonder Man said...

Sean, I think Smallville will after this season and it could be an Disney thing about Tron. I have to look into that one

Anonymous said...

Mighty Kwan -

--- No Room In Hell - Frank Darabont fired all of the writing staff on The Walking Dead yesterday. There's talk he might go with freelancers for the entire second season. Or maybe he'll just wing it! Like I've said the show needs work but I dunno about this path. All the shows I've loved the most have had a sturdy wheelhouse of writers on board keeping the thing in tune. This sounds like chaos. Chaos!

from My New Plaid Pants

Anonymous said...

'Walking Dead' Creator Robert Kirkman Discusses the Finale, Zombie Survival Tips, and More

The Stuff

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.