Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Question of the Day: Obama Edition

I might be opening a barrel of worms, but I want to know... Are you completely done with Obama? If so, why?


  1. My support is fading fast. He needs to grow a set of balls and do something. This halfassed leadership style he's taken on it getting old quick.

    Yes, he's done alot, but he could have done so much more and what he has done could have been so much better. Instead of trying to kiss everyone's ass and play Mr. Nice guy...He needs to buckle down, be a dick (if that's what is takes) and fulfill his promises.

    This DADT stuff could have been over a long time ago.

    We all should have voted for Hillary!

  2. Of course not. He's in such a tough spot. I don't know how anyone else could have done a better job frankly.

    He's a smart man, but obviously he's not brilliant, because if he was brilliant then in October 2008 when the economy was collapsing right before our eyes, he would have withdrawn from the race and let McCain win. McCain would have gotten all the blame for the near-depression and the dems would have had huge victories in 2010 and again in 2012.

  3. Not completely, but getting very close.
    He seemed, when he was running and calling himself a fierce advocate, to be a very strong man, but now he seems lost. He doesn't stand up to the Repugs like he should; he doesn't call them out like he should.
    I wish he had more backbone.

  4. No I'm not done... i do think he has had a tough road to hoe...i also think he could have been more forceful and "dickish" with Congress to make sure he got more progressive stuff.

    Why is it always the left that is lamenting instead of the right??

  5. Absolutely not! I'll vote for him again and am glad I voted for him last time.
