Sunday, December 26, 2010

Question of the Day: Doctor Who Edition

What did you think of the Christmas Special?


  1. I am a huge fan of Doctor Who...I have been ever since I first saw Ton Baker and his mile long scarf with sarah Jane...after him, I still watched, but never fell in l,ove again until David Tennant took over the roll...he was brilliant, all wild eyed...then he left, I was crushed Matt Smith took over...I just couldn't get into the new season, the writing wasnt as good and I felt like Matts doctor seemed dumbed down...but last nights christmas special was a nice surprise, he still seemed a bit dimbed down but it felt like he was starting to find his niche with the roll...we shall wait and see I guess:)

  2. I thought it was very good. I especially liked the way that time travel was used to solve the problem. It seems like the usual pattern is to invent a reason why it can't be used.

  3. I was surprised that I enjoyed it. I wish the companions could have been featured more, but I like how they were integrated and used. Very different tone from the normal Holiday specials. I think towards the end of his run Tennant's Who would have gotten pissed at the guy and done something considerably less creative and more drastic to solve the problem. He would have been PISSED at that guy.

    Smith is growing on me. Sometimes he's so dorky that he's cute. But Tennant turned geeky into smexy! heheh!

    I like the idea of a married couple accompanying the Doctor. No sexual tension between the Doctor and companion. Should put a very different spin on things. I look forward to the next season regardless.

  4. I just finished watching and thought is was pretty bad. Not imaginative, a waste of Amy and that guy and it only confirms that I really don't like the new Dr or writer.

    The season 6 preview makes me think I won't be watching Dr Who anymore.

  5. I actually liked the Christmas episode. More emphasis on featuring Smith's Doctor, less on the companions.

    It was interesting how things turned out in the end with the time traveling parts. The flying fish part was a bit off for me, but overall I enjoyed it.

    As for the upcoming season? Based on the preview of this season, Not sure what to make of that. Glad to see River is back. Please get it over with and tell us whether she's good or evil.
