Wednesday, December 8, 2010

President Obama and Harry Reid may bring the NDAA Bill/DADT Repeal to a Vote this evening

Hopefully, this is some good news coming. Obama has been talking to the senators about getting this NDAA/DADT bill done soon. Harry feels that tonight is the night.

From Metro Weekly:
White House spokesman Shin Inouye tells Metro Weekly, "The President has been reaching out to Senators from both sides of the aisle to reiterate his desire to see Congress pass the National Defense Authorization Act, including a repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell', during the lame duck."]

One advocate, however, already this morning is throwing out a warning to Reid. Servicemembers United's Alex Nicholson said Reid must be reasonable with the NDAA amendment process or "he will be intentionally throwing the vote."

Robert Raben, a former Clinton Justice Department official who now runs a lobbying firm, was incredulous. He told Metro Weekly, "In what fictional universe is moving forward as those of us who want to lift the ban have insisted upon to be greeted with anything but 'at last, thank you'?"
Because the vote to proceed to debating the NDAA failed in September, Reid voted against it for procedural purposes so that he later could bring the bill back as a motion to reconsider. He said this morning that he is on the path to doing so tonight.
Okay, I'm wishing for the best. Tonight could be tonight.

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