Friday, December 10, 2010

Lukewarm Rumor: Glee's Heather Morris as Buffy the Vampire Slayer

This made my eyes buck out! Now rumors are out there that Heather Morris is a contender for Buffy.

From MovieWeb:

The source claims that Glee's Heather Morris has been brought up many times in regards to who will follow in Kristy Swanson and Sarah Michelle Gellar's footsteps. And now we are hearing that the actress is actively being sought to take on this highly coveted role.

While not much is known about this continuation of the franchise, we have learned that the tone will be more in step with the WB series that ran from 1997 to 2003, than it will the original 1992 feature film. The hope is to incorporate a neo-Valley Girl tone that will find this version of the character more in-line with her original Kristy Swanson incarnation, while at the same time presenting a fresh and hip take on the character for today's more sauve audiences.

The source indicates that Heather Morris's comedic timing is a perfect fit for Buffy Summers, and that her background as a dancer and a gymnast will be greatly utilized in the skill set that Buffy is supposed to have as a Slayer. In this new reboot, Buffy will no longer be in high school, but instead facing the same hardships that a lot of young college graduates have today in struggling to find a paying job and a healthy relationship. Though she plays a teenager on Glee, the 23 year-old-actress is actually the right age for this newly rebooted take on the character.

I like Heather, but this would be her "Showgirls". I don't wish this upon her


  1. I'm so anti-the reboot that I can't even imagine anyone...she looks the part but I doubt that's enough to pull it off.
