Sunday, December 5, 2010

Interesting Quote: Charles M. Blow

She’s the Zsa Zsa Gabor of American politics. She once did something noteworthy, but she’s now just famous for being famous. 

She was a vice presidential nominee. But she lost. She was the governor of Alaska. But she quit. Now she’s just a political personality — part cheerleader, part bomb-thrower — being kept afloat in part by the hackles of her enemies and the people who admire her resilience in the face of them. The left’s outsize and unrelenting assault on her has made her a folk hero. The logic goes that if she’s making people on the left this upset, she must be doing something right. 
He's talking about the mess known as Sarah Palin.



  1. Interesting or not, we need to stop talking about her. If we ignore her, she'll fade away like a fire without oxygen. :)

  2. that quote missed something; " part cheerleader, part bomb-thrower, Part HO"

  3. I just don't understand why more people refuse to acknowledge the obvious fact that this woman is just as dumb as a bag of hammers.
