Wednesday, December 1, 2010

UPDATED! Civil unions pass Illinois House and the Senate

A step in the right direction! Illinois House passed Civil Unions yesterday!
After waiting years for a political climate that would generate enough support, gay-rights activists won one of their biggest fights in history Tuesday when the Illinois house voted to allow civil unions for same-sex couples.

The legislation would give those couples many of the same legal rights married couples have, especially when it comes to health care and end-of-life decisions.
Civil union supporters pointed to the eventual end of discrimination throughout history against women and minorities as a reason why gay couples should have similar legal rights that heterosexual couples do.

“There comes a time,” state Rep. Mark Beaubien, a Barrington Hills Republican, said during debate on the House floor. “And for those of you on the fence, now is the time.”
The legislation was approved by a 61-52 vote, receiving mixed reviews from suburban lawmakers. It now moves to the Senate, and a spokeswoman said it could be called for a final vote there Wednesday.
Many Republicans who opposed the plan argued that gay-rights activists wanted to use the approval of civil unions to gain momentum for the approval of gay marriage in the future.

Well, it is the next step. I hope Illinois can take it there

UPDATE: The House passed Civil Unions today 32-24.


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