Sunday, December 12, 2010

Gays in Africa are in Greater Danger than ever

This is just horrible to hear. In Africa, the attacks and ridicule of Gays is growing way too fast.
Washington Post gives more info about this madness:
The growing tide of homophobia comes at a time when gays in Africa are expressing themselves more openly, prompting greater media attention and debates about homosexuality. The rapid growth of Islam and evangelical forms of Christianity, both espousing conservative views on family values and marriage, have persuaded many Africans that homosexuality should not be tolerated in their societies. 

"It has never been harder for gays and lesbians on the continent," said Monica Mbaru, Africa coordinator for the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, based in Cape Town. "Homophobia is on the rise." 

Fearing for their lives, many activists are in hiding or have fled their countries.
In Uganda, a bill introduced in parliament last year would impose the death penalty for repeated same-sex relations and life imprisonment for other homosexual acts. Local newspapers are outing gays, potentially inciting the public to attack them, activists say. 

A day after a newspaper article said that gays should be hanged, Sheila Hope Mugisha became a target. As the prominent gay rights activist neared her home, she said, boys from the neighborhood threw stones at the gate and chanted, "You are a homo." Mugisha ran inside and locked the door. She didn't leave for several days.

Religion is the driving force of this bigotry and horror. When the use of God is power behind hate and disarray, then it's no longer Christianity. It is cult-like and denounces everything that God supposed to be. True believers should not let this happen. It is a disgrace to humanity.

1 comment:

  1. I agree. Wasn't it Jesus who said "Judge not, lest you be judged." Why do those right wingnuts only quote things from the Bible that promote hate and bigotry? There are so many wonderful ideas in that book. Why can't they pick one that talks of love and acceptance. Those wingnuts should look in a mirror and ask themselves, "What would Jesus do?"
    I guarantee that he would not be doing what they are doing.
