Thursday, December 9, 2010

DADT Cloture Vote is a NO GO! Senate 57-40

Mess! After demanding a survey and getting the info in favor of a repeal, GOP votes it down.

LezGetsReal reports
The vote on Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’s repeal and the National Defense Authorization Act happened today, or at least the vote to proceed to debate on the bill. After a quiet and rather defeated sounding speech by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid where he quietly criticized the Republicans for constantly changing the rules on repeal, Senator Susan Collins, the only one spared his limp noodle lashing, asked questions regarding what the deal was for moving forward. The vote, of course, seemed to take forever.

After an interminable amount of wrangling on the floor, the votes were counted. In the end, Senator Manchin of West Virginia sided with the Republicans and voted against cloture. Senator Olympia Snow also voted no, as did Senator Lisa Murkowski. Senator Scott Brown broke his own word and voted against cloture.
In the end, Senator Collins voted ‘aye’.
Only 57 Senators voted for it.

Again MESS!

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