Monday, November 29, 2010

Where did the rumors about Batman & Robin being Gay Lovers start?

I just saw a feature about the book, The Seduction of the Innocent. This book basically painted some our beloved superheroes as all types of things.

Like Superman being a fascist, Wonder Woman being a virgin and a lesbian, and how Batman and Robin played hide the salami every night.

I looked at several pages and it's an interesting read. In fact, the pieces about Batman and Robin being lovers.

GFest highlights some of these 'findings'

  • "Bruce Wayne was rich. Several of Wertham’s patients said they wanted to live with Bruce and be rich too. "It is like a wish dream of two homosexuals living together" (p. 190). Here Wertham proposed that Bruce’s money was an aphrodisiac."
  • "Alfred served lavish meals and kept Wayne Manor filled with freshly cut flowers. This is called stereotyping. So we will address this point immediately and say that a person’s attitude toward flowers or breakfast is not a gender-based or gender-defining characteristic."
  • "Batman and Robin spent a lot of time caged, trapped or tied up while the other tried to save him. "Like the girls in other stories, Robin is sometimes held captive …. They constantly rescue each other from violent attacks by an unending number of enemies. The feeling is conveyed that we men must stick together because there are so many villainous creatures who have to be exterminated. They lurk not only under every bed but also behind every star in the sky" (p. 190-1). Wertham argued that danger could be stimulating, and that in the wrong circumstances that stimulation could take a sexual turn. He called such stories "erotic rescue fantasies." They were intended, he said, to make Robin more devoted to Batman than to anyone else on earth."
  • "Bruce and Dick must be homosexual because there were no women in their home. The underlying assumption was that these were sexually active characters and that, lacking appropriate outlets for their passionate urges (i.e. wives) they were compelled to sate those urges with each other. In response let the record show that Robin had been born a boy because the creators didn’t want their moral crusader living alone with an adolescent girl. They were trying to avoid even the appearance of wrongdoing. They had not anticipated this alternate interpretation."

Interesting... weird, a little sexy thinking about Bats saving Robin, training him, telling him about wet dreams... Okay, I'll stop there.


  1. Ah, the superhero fetish. Loves it.

  2. "erotic rescue fantasies." Well, if that works... I need to try it.
