Saturday, November 27, 2010

'Ugly Betty' Actor killed his mother because he believed she had a Demon in her

This is very creepy and really sad. Actor Michael Brea murdered his mother due to the belief that something evil lived in her.
An unhinged actor Thursday calmly described hacking his beloved mother to death with a sword because he believed a demon had taken hold of her soul.

"I didn't kill her. I killed the demon inside her," Michael Brea said in a chilling hourlong interview with the Daily News in the prison ward at Bellevue Hospital.

When told his mother, Yannick Brea, 55, had died in the grisly assault early Tuesday, Michael was unrepentant.

"So be it. It was the work of God," he said.
He said that hear voices, telling him that he had to kill the demon. 
Later he stood above his mother, asking her if she believed in God, then he started hacking at her.
"I just kept cutting her. No one could stop me. I was doing the work of God," he said.
He is  being evaluated at Bellevue Hospital.


  1. I don't even know what to say about this.

  2. Clearly he's mentally ill and needs help. What a sad story. I loved Ugly Betty.

  3. Maybe she did have a demon in her. Or maybe all of the nuts haven't fallen out of all the trees just yet.

  4. @Reggie, he thought she had demons because she was boiling chicken in the kitchen. If that makes her demon possessed then that boy has a whole lot of the world to cut up and make repent! Hallelujah....or whatever.
