Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Torchwood/Doctor Who Crossover May Happen

Ever wonder if Torchwood and Doctor Who will crossover again? Well of course, according to Russell T. Davies.

Here is an interview with IGN, pointing out the possibilities:

IGN: Now that Doctor Who has done its latest big reinvention with Matt Smith, do you think the two series have completely split off at this point, or do you think another crossover is possible?

Davies: Steven [Moffat] knows the plot of
The New World. As a courtesy, I sent him a synopsis and said, "Is that going to clash with anything you're doing?" We both have enough awareness of each other's worlds to avoid that. And I still executive produce The Sarah Jane Adventures in Britain. I'm still working on that, and that works in synch with Doctor Who. So we are still very much aware of each plans, without spoiling each other's news. We're very careful to make sure that we behave within the Doctor Who world, while still being completely free to tell our own stories.

IGN: I think the curiosity fans have is how Jack would react to this Doctor, since he had a specific relationship with the previous one.

Davies: Well, Steven said he'd love to see Jack in
Doctor Who. So if Steven says that, Steven will make it happen, I would think. That's not inside information, but I bet one day it will happen. I'd love to see it. It would be marvelous.

Fingers Crossed

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