Sunday, November 21, 2010

Script Test: A Good Clown

Hi all,

I just wrote this script called, A Good Clown.

Please take a look and let me know what you think. I'll handle the grammar pieces afterwards.

Oh, it's considered scary.
A Good Clown


  1. My regular rate is $500/hour, but I'll give you a break because I like you.

  2. Oh My God!!!! That was unexpected!! I loved it!

  3. Interesting.

    My biggest concern is why was there a clown in the elevator? I think I would make it a costume party, or based at Circus Circus.

  4. I just changed it to explain why the clown was there. Thanks for the fb, Ken

  5. Hey Vic! Very interesting. Just one thing. Bobo's gloves are described as being white when he holds the door open, but then are described as being red in the full description immediately following.

    Is this a complete story or an intro to something larger?

  6. it could be more, but it's also for my grad school application

  7. It definitely feels like the intro to something considerably larger, meaning it left me wanting to know MORE!! Which is hard to do these days! Can't wait to see more of your writing!

    Not sure if you'd be interested but a friend of mine is entering this movie script concept. Why not give em some REAL competition?
