Monday, November 22, 2010

Robert Gates moves up release of the DADT Report by One Day

Interesting DADT news! Robert Gates will move up the DADT results a day early
Secretary of Defense Robert Gates has agreed to move up by one day the release of a Pentagon report on implementing a repeal of the "don't ask, don't tell" policy that has governed the military for 17 years, a spokesman said Sunday night.

"Secretary Gates is pushing all involved in the Comprehensive Review Working Group's report to have it ready for public release on November 30th in order to accommodate the desire of the Senate Armed Services Committee to hold hearings as soon as possible," Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell said in a statement e-mailed to reporters.

The November 30th date amounts to a one day acceleration of the report, which had initially been planned for release in early December. Last week, the Pentagon committed to a December 1 release. However, gay rights groups and several senators who support repeal of the congressionally-mandated ban on openly gay servicemembers had asked Gates to get the report out as quickly as possible. Until Sunday, the Pentagon had rebuffed those requests.


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