Monday, November 15, 2010

READ the Letter written by GOProud, Tea Party Patriots and the New American Patriots, urging Republicans stay away from Social Issues

GOProud, Tea Party Patriots and the New American Patriots put this letter together in push Republicans away from social issues:
The letter's signatories range from GOProud's co-founder and Chairman Christopher Barron — a member of a group encouraging Dick Cheney to run for president — to Tea Party leaders with no particular interest in the gay rights movement.
As of Sunday evening, the letter had 17 signatories. They include tea party organizers, conservative activists and media personalities from across the country, including radio host Tammy Bruce, bloggers Bruce Carroll, Dan Blatt and Doug Welch, and various local coordinators for the Tea Party Patriots and other tea party groups.
"When they were out in the Boston Harbor, they weren't arguing about who was gay or who was having an abortion," said Ralph King, a letter signatory who is a Tea Party Patriots national leadership council member, as well as an Ohio co-coordinator.

Here's the letter
GOProud And Tea Party Urge Republicans To Avoid Social Issues (Letter)                                                                                                                                   


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