Saturday, November 6, 2010

Question of the Day: LGBT Rights Edition

The Log Cabin Republicans are stepping up to the plate with DADT and other LGBT issues, but are you ready to trust them?

I would love to hear your thoughts.


  1. The Log Cabin part I might trust, but I cannot shake that whole Repugnant thing.

  2. Nobody knows what goes on inside the meeting rooms of the Supreme Court. No one is privy to their conversations. But something tells me that politics definitely plays a role in that Court.

    This emergency appeal is a decision Justice Kennedy will need to make, since he is the justice "in charge" of deciding emergency motions from the 9th Circuit. But I suspect other Justices are pressuring him to deny the motion, even without reading the filings.

    One good thing is that we'll get an answer from the Court very shortly. Possibly by Monday. One bad thing is that the Court loves to make yes/no decisions to emergency motions and make no additional comment. Regardless of the answer, we are not going to learn anything from it. It's a total shot in the dark.

    Do I trust the LCR? Hell no. However, I don't trust Olsen/Boies either and they seem to be the real thing. Olsen/Boies' motivation is to have their names associated with a history Supreme Court landmark ruling for all of eternity, and they may get their wish. The LCR on the other hand... what's their motivation? They want acceptance by the GOP, but a win with DADT will make the GOP hate them even more. This just doesn't make any sense to me.

  3. It's sad to say - but I trust them a lot more than I trust President Obama to look out for our issues these days.
