Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Question of the Day: The Glee Edition

I haven't watched GLEE in a while, but this was a "cute" episode. Here's the KICKER scene

So what did you think this episode?


  1. I haven't watched it too much either, but I was pleasantly surprised.

  2. We were caught off guard when that kiss happened. But I believe it goes with the sentiment that those who protest the loudest are usually struggling against something they feel within themselves.

  3. I don't watch the show but to me that situation seems highly unlikely or unrealistic in the real world but that's network television for you.

  4. The most unrealistic thing is that Kurt did not keep kissing him. I know I sure as hell would have.

  5. I would have too, Toddy. he's more of what I wanted in HS
