Sunday, November 14, 2010

The next Wolvie Film is called 'The Wolverine'

Over at HitFix, director Darren Aronofsky talks about Wolverine 2 and drops the official title to the public:
The film that he's directing is officially called "The Wolverine," and there won't be a number attached to it.  In our interview, he referred to the movie as a "one-off," and he emphasized that the film isn't a sequel in any conventional sense.

It's an interesting move, and it certainly separates this from Gavin Hood's movie, and from the larger "X-Men" franchise in general.  Between this film and Matthew Vaughn's "X-Men: First Class," it sounds like any rules we've got in mind about these films and what to expect based on the first four films in the franchise are out the window.

Frankly, I like that.  Comics have always made room for different artists and writers to take these icons and bend and twist them and try different things with them, so why shouldn't the films be the same way?
The Wolverine... Interesting... What do you think of the title?


Todd HellsKitchen said...

Oh... I do love hunky Hugh... I wonder if they'll ever get around to that Boy from Oz film adaptation???

Prince Todd said...

I love Hugh as Wolverine...
He is soooo...
Brutish. In a good way.

Forbidden Light said...

I love Darren's work, "PI" and "Requiem for a Dream"... I am VERY surprised they would hire him to do the film.

Darren and Hugh's last collaboration, "The Fountain" didn't do well at all...Commercial isn't his thing.

I'll watch it, just to see what happens...

Unknown said...

Looking forward to it!

Mage said...

What ever Hugh's movie, definitely watch it. Its interesting though to have it separated from the common notion.

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Viktor is a small town southern boy living in Los Angeles. You can find him on Twitter, writing about pop culture, politics, and comics. He’s the creator of the graphic novel StrangeLore and currently getting back into screenwriting.