Sunday, November 14, 2010

Mormons Softens Language On Gays Folks

This is interesting, it seems that Mormons (the ones who led a war on Gays and Gay Marriage) has loosen up their hateration on us:

The book, known as the Church Handbook of Instructions, lays out Mormon policies on everything from baptism to running a worship service to counseling troubled marriages.

The updated reference book, scheduled to be presented to thousands of Mormon leaders in a giant televised training session Saturday (Nov. 13), will set the tone for church interactions for years to come.

The new handbook makes a clear distinction between same-sex orientation and behavior. It eliminates the suggestion, mentioned in a 2006 edition, that same-sex relationships "distort loving relationships" and that gays should repent of their "homosexual thoughts or feelings."

It also says that celibate gay Mormons who are "worthy and qualified in every other way" should be allowed to have "callings," or church assignments, and to participate fully in temple rituals.

The handbook simply repeats what top LDS leaders have been trying to say, but in more explicit terms that many members will understand, said David Pruden, president of Evergreen International, a support group that helps gay Mormons live by church standards.

Well, that good and all, but I still don't trust them.



  1. So much irony in this picture.

  2. This can work if people can get over their fears about gays - I think once they realise that you are gay, there's a fear that builds up....the main limitation in this provision is people's mindset!

  3. Those jack-asses will seriously believe and follow pretty much anything given to them.

  4. Those aren't Mormons, the name tags are wrong. Research stuff before you post it.

  5. Sorry Krista, but any fool can see that it's a joke picture. Please get a clue
