Sunday, November 28, 2010

Lord, John McCain thinks DADT is Working

Please watch this fool


  1. What a loser. He's really pissed that this might end. He's been digging his heels into this one for a long time now. He won't just let it go and let us progress. What a loser, homophobe!

  2. It's a silly policy. Particularly when you consider the type of supposedly open and free society that we live in.

    I've never served, but so many people in my family have and are currently serving. In private industry we work with openly gay and lesbian coworkers.......what's the big deal?!?

    What I have seen in being a supervisor/manager since I graduated from college back in the late 80s is that people seem to be at their happiest when they can openly talk about their lives....and what they did during their weekends and whatnot.

    This is just another example of the blatant hypocrisy that exists in this country.

    The fact that ones sexuality would determine one's fitness to service is just stupid.
