Monday, November 29, 2010

A Lesbian Couple in Botswana risk everything to live Out and Proud

History was made in Botswana, a lesbian couple comes out to live their lives openly. However,  they face imprisonment, because homosexuality is illegal there.

Onkemetse Pule, 26, and Lawrence Kwataka, 24, met through the dating pages of their local newspaper, The Voice, ten months ago, and they have since informed family members of their relationship. 

Homosexuality is currently illegal in Botswana, but they felt the time was right for them to show the way for other gay and lesbian couples even though those found having been engaged in gay acts can face imprisonment.

Pule told The Voice: “We have nothing to hide. People should know that lesbian relationships exist.  It’s only that we are not being given a chance to express it in the same way as those in a heterosexual relationship. We want the same rights and freedom of expression. If we kiss and hug, hold hands in public, we don’t want to face the prospect of arrest for what society regards as a crime.

I wish these ladies best of luck and I hope they are safe.


  1. And if these two women can do it, in a country like theirs, then LGBT people all across America can do it, too.

  2. Such brave and bold souls - they risk everything - now that's freedom of expression!
