Friday, November 5, 2010

Free to be, You and Me

This little boy represents so many of us.

Think about what we wanted to be when we were kids.

Think about the ideas and hopes we had at his age.

This little boy is some of us. And lucky for him, he has a mother who understands.


1 comment:

  1. We need to promote a much better understanding of human sexuality, not just for the hetero community but for ALL. Sexuality is a spectrum of colors, not just black or white.

    This little boy idolizing a female character does not make him gay or anything. It makes him a little boy who looks up to and idolizes a woman. Since when should something like that be frowned upon.

    Telling a little boy that it is somehow wrong, weak or less than to emulate a female is the true message being sent by parents who would limit their little boys in this way. Something they wouldn't and don't do to their little girls. So girls it's ok to want to be like a man, but little boys it's wrong to want to emulate or admire a female. And we wonder WHY we are so messed up?
