Friday, November 19, 2010

Casting for Superman starts Now

With Batman and Green Lantern on the way, casting for Superman kicks off.

Deadline reports the hot news
Warner Bros, producer Chris Nolan, and director Zack Snyder have begun to cast a "wide net" to find the next Man of Steel. Insiders tell us the studio is open to creating a star as it reboots the Superman franchise: specifically, that the actor will either be a discovery or on TV but likely someone who isn't well known yet.
And he'll be in the age range of 28-to-32. The studio expects to look at hundreds of young actors before making a decision. Agents who are readying candidates note that hiring an established series regular might not even be possible. The film will likely begin production around next June, and that shooting schedule could wreak havoc with fall prime time schedules. 
Their age range is a tad bit older one when Christopher and Brandon were cast... But Brandon still has a chance.


  1. Why not bring back Brandon Routh? He is my second Favorite next to Christopher Reeves.
    Well, if they recast he has to be taller and sexier than Routh. If you're gonna do it go all out.

  2. Christopher Reeve was so FREAKIN' PRETTY!

    Answer to question from Toddy, because they aren't making Superman Returns Again. Or Smallville the movie for the Tom Welling fans. Or Lois and Clark the Movie for any Dean Cain fans.
