Saturday, November 27, 2010

Bishop Kevin J. Boyd Sr. accused of forcing sex with a young man

Well, here we go again. Bishop Boyd has been accused of forcing sexual favors from a young man in his church.
The claims in the lawsuit in Hinds County Circuit are similar to allegations leveled against Atlanta mega-church pastor Bishop Eddie Long by four young men.

The local lawsuit was filed against Kevin Joseph Boyd Sr., senior pastor of The Apostolic Church, 1735 Shady Lane Drive, late last month. Boyd also operates a church in New Orleans.
"Defendant Boyd has a pattern and practice of singling out a select group of young male church members and using his authority as bishop over them to ultimately bring them to a point of engaging in a sexual relationship," according to the lawsuit.

Boyd hasn't responded to calls left at the Jackson church and at his New Orleans home for comments about the lawsuit.

Boyd and wife Karla are listed in court papers as having been served with the lawsuit, which represents one side of a legal argument, on Nov. 8. They have 30 days to respond. No attorney is listed yet for Boyd in court documents.
The man involved, claimed to had sex at church and later in hotels. The Boyds have not responded yet. so, there's more to come.



  1. Think he's naked under his cassock?

  2. Mississippi too! Mississippians know they have some mega freaks than elsewhere because of the oppressive culture of the state. Freakazoids!!!!

  3. Child molesters love the church like a fat kid loves cake.

  4. These are lies!!! The truth shall come out!!!

    1. The truth already came out on his brother. Now its his turn. These pastors keep thinking Sodom an Gomorrah was a fairy tale. If your gonna practice what you preach then tell the whole story, not just the parts that make your sin convienient.

  5. We should not judge the man of God. He without sin cast the first stone. Pray!!!

    1. If he who is without sin cast the first stone, then I'm about to throw a brick. BTW those who support this devil, his brother was just convicted for molestation, and the truth came out. That devil is also a pastor. After I throw the brick, I'm throwing a boulder next. The Bible says to turn the other cheek. I can't wait for both those cheeks to be turned.

    2. Are you filled with the holy ghost ? With the true evidence of speaking in tongues ? Then you my friends are not without sin do not be so quick to judge. Thats God s job .

  6. People love hearing negative things about the church, instead of believing everything on the church, sit back, don't comment & let God reveal the hearts of the individual's & the truth in the matter! Shalom

    1. People will believe a lie before they believe the truth, so as the Bible says the Lord will lead them to a referbate mind. Be careful of wolves in Bishop robes..

  7. The Bibles says if someone is caught in a sin,you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted.2 carry each others burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:1-2 .....we have to not concentrate on the person but the spirit yes. Spirits don't discriminate, n pastors arent above falling to different spirits. Pray n watch do that you yourself don't fall. God bless the Boyd's n all who read this.

  8. The universal church is praying for you and your family. God will see you through this.

  9. You are all wrong for buying into this.the reason you here about these retard things is because they are not true .stupid people just want attention and target good people in order to get it .you dont know the whole story i know the entire boyd family personally and a bit of it isnt true. If it was all true would they still be happily married and living good lives

  10. I used to live with the boyd's and i knew from the way he looked at me something was wrong. So i don't care if you known him, have you every lived with him or was apart of his church in 1998 ??? If not, you need to look a lil bit deep cause i grow up with them all from when we where 12 years old
