Sunday, November 21, 2010

Anti-Gay Remarks Spray Painted on High School Building

After a few students showed up at St. Charles North High School wearing 'Straight Pride' T-shirts, others students confronted the issue. But later on, the staff found anti-gay remarks spray painted on campus.

Here's more:

The vandalism follows last week's controversy of three students wearing "Straight Pride" shirts that quoted a Bible verse that referenced death as the punishment for homosexual behavior.

Other students came to school later in the week wearing similar shirts that omitted the Bible reference.

Blaney said it is not evident whether there is a correlation between the vandalism and shirts.

More than 150 Facebook users – presumably mostly North students – have said they will attend next month's Board of Education meeting to address the shirts and how the administration handled the situation. The student who created the event has said students want better plans in action for how to deal with such situations.

Coincidentally, the school board's Policy Committee on Thursday night discussed an amendment to its bullying policy that would forbid district employees and students from harassing or intimidating students based on their "gender-related identity or expression."

The proposed changes also prohibit harassment based on a student's "association with a person or group with one or more of the aforementioned actual or perceived characteristics or any other distinguishing characteristics."

Blaney said the changes would have been discussed regardless of the recent activities at North because the board is trying to more closely align its policies with the Illinois Association of School Boards.

 So more to come.


1 comment:

  1. The straight pride t-shirts would have been fine if they had left off the veiled death threat on the other side. It would make me happy to see some straight people with some pride. Considering the 50% divorce rate among straights and the high instances of rape and domestic abuse, it seems it seems they have no pride in their sexuality at all.
