Monday, November 1, 2010

9th Circuit Court of Appeals keep DADT in Effect

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit issued a stay of the injunction of DADT today.

Metro Weekly reports:
"In addition to the fact that this case raises 'serious legal questions,'" the court wrote, "there are three reasons that persuade us to grant a stay pending appeal."

The reasons included that "Acts of Congress are presumptively constitutional," that "'judicial deference . . . is at its apogee' when Congress legislates under its authority to raise and support armies" and that "the district court’s analysis and conclusions are arguably at odds with the decisions of at least four other Circuit Courts of Appeal."

In dissenting, Judge William Fletcher wrote, "I would allow the district court's order to continue in effect insofar as it enjoins the Defendants from actually discharging anyone from the military, pursuant to the Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy, during the pendency of the appeal."

The two judges who supported the stay -- Judges O'Scannlain and Trott -- responded, writing, "In our view, this 'carve out' is inconsistent with the stay itself and would be subject to the vagaries of the rule of unintended consequences."

R. Clarke Cooper, executive director of LCR, said in a statement, "Log Cabin Republicans is disappointed that 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' will continue to burden our armed forces, undermine national security and limit the freedom of our men and women in uniform."

"Despite this temporary setback, Log Cabin remains confident that we will ultimately prevail on behalf of servicemembers' constitutional rights," he continued. "In the meantime, we urge President Obama to use his statutory stop-loss power to halt discharges under this discriminatory and wasteful policy."

 I wonder if this is because of the survey? I bet that once the survey results are final, then DADT will be done... Fingers Crossed.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm sure John McCain will try and stutter his way into a new excuse, but yeah, this "study" is pretty much the last thing in the way.
