Saturday, October 2, 2010

Which Vampire Girl was Better?

I saw the remake of Let The Right One In... Let Me In, the other night. I have to say that I was scared of this remake, but I wanted to give this a shot.

And the verdict: It is the best of all remakes so far, but it was completely unnecessary.

Here's my bullet point review:
  • The two teen characters are good. They embodied the whole outsider thing down to a T. But unlike the original characters, they didn't really push the creepiness and sadness of the movie.
  • The "father/killer" was too vocal in the US version. The original "father/killer" was something more. He gave you fear and fright. But in the US version, you got a little more compassion.
  • The bullies were better in the remake.
  • I was not happy that they made the Owen's dad straight. In the original, the dad was living with a man. In this version, it was very clear that he was with a woman.
  • The CGI sucked.
  • The Owen/Oskar character was not as creepy as the original version. Actually, I loved Oskar, because he was a bit disturbing.
  • Most scenes were very tight with the original, and they even added some new things that were okay.
  • This version told a story, but in clumps; not as connected as the first.
  • The feel of the movie was nice, similar to the original.
  • This was the best version of American vampire movies I've seen in awhile.
  • In all, it was a good remake.

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