Friday, October 1, 2010

We have lost another one, Raymond Chase

Raymond Chase, was a 19-year-old openly gay student at Johnson & Wales University in Rhode Island... He hung himself on Wednesday in his dorm room.

At this time no one know why he did it. But folks did say he was a genuinely happy person.

My heart goes out to the family and friends of Raymond Chase... This has got to stop! I feel we are in a State of Emergency! There has to be a way to stop this crisis, there has to be!



  1. Suicides come in spurts. People who are close to the edge hear about another suicide and get the courage to do it themselves. It happened to Frederick, a friend of Greg's & mine. At an HIV support group meeting it was discussed about a rash of suicides off the Tampa Bay Sunshine bridge. Four days later Frederick jumped off the bridge and killed himself. The seed was sown and it took root.

    How many other seeds are being planted right now? I fear this will get worse before it gets better. What can be done to cut it off quickly? The solution in Tampa was for all the media to agree to stop reporting on it so copycatters would stop jumping.

  2. What an absolute heartbreak. He's a beautiful man. RIP my gay brother.

  3. Cubby sorry for your lost, but to me this is just more than a copycatters effect. The way I see it is, that “the hate is on,” and the media ignores it, playing it safe all the time. Ignoring the issue to me is not the best way to go. Bullying and character assassination is a trend nowadays. And the affected ones are often lost in despair. Why instead of ignoring the problem, they do not go the root of the malady. Why not exposed the haters, and assist to their incarceration? And Florida, seems to me like a state to begin monitoring this.

    I am so furious about this.

  4. I'm a JWU alum. I don't think it was the attitude on campus but the copycat thing going on.

  5. I'm also a JWU alum, what a small world.
