Friday, October 29, 2010

WATCH Anderson Cooper talk to Clint McCance... Clint said he will Resign

From CNN
McCance said that he has received an outpouring of criticism over his comments, including "thousands of phone calls, hate mails, people threatening to kill my family and me."
He said he has sent his wife and two kids out of the state because of fears for their safety and that he is installing a security system at his home.
"I'm reaping what I've sown," he told CNN. "I've had a lot of hate speech thrown at me and my family on every level."
He said he would resign from the school board to spare the district the bad press and distractions of dealing with the fallout from his comments. "If they decide after five or ten years to vote me back in, then I'll run again," he said.

More to come


  1. The only thing he's sorry for is that he got caught and that he's at the receiving end of worldwide condemnation.

    Will he use those words again? He said time will tell.

    Will he throw his kids out if they a gay? Again he said time will tell.

    He just wants this to all go away so he can go back to his life of bigotry and hate, and he's willing to say anything to get people off his back. It's rather disgusting if you ask me.

    At least he said he's going to resign. I hope he follows through with that, but something tells me if he was going to resign he would have done it and not just talk about it. He's just going to lay low for a while then come up with some story that he's a changed man and it's better for the community that he stays on the board. Mark my words.

  2. I would bet any amount of money that Clint McCance is sucking dick in Arkansas highway rest stops. Seriously, only a self-loathing fear monger would say this sort of stuff and then look like such a pussy when confronted about it.
