Monday, October 4, 2010

UPDATE on Raymond Chase: JWU's Response

I wanted to update y'all on the latest loss to suicide, Raymond Chase. Over the the weekend, Johnson & Wales responded to the students about the incident:
Yesterday, the Vice President of Johnson & Wales, Ronald Martel emailed all students the following message, “Today I contact you with the deeply sad news of the passing of Raymond Chase, sophomore, 19, culinary arts major. The campus community is mourning the loss of this vibrant young man who leaves many JWU friends and teachers, and a loving family of Monticello, New York. Funeral arrangements are not available at this time. As we obtain more information that can be shared, we will do so. Ray’s JWU friends and the university are planning a memorial service for the campus community. Those details will be forthcoming”.
I will update everyone as soon as I get it.


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