Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A transgender woman, Stacy Lee, found murdered in her home

This is sad to hear...
A transgender woman whom neighbors described as "beautiful" was found dead in her Point Breeze home Monday night by her live-in boyfriend.

Initial reports said the victim - identified by police as 31-year-old Michael Lee but by neighbors as "Stacy" - was found with a pillow case around her neck, but Homicide Sgt. Bob Wilkins refuted that yesterday.
He said there were no visible signs of trauma to the victim, such as stab or bullet wounds, but he declined to speculate on a cause of death until an autopsy report is released.

As of last night, police still had not received autopsy results, and declined to classify the death as a homicide.
But several neighbors said that police on the scene Monday night had told them that the victim had been found face-down - either naked or half-dressed in provocative clothing - and that she had been strangled.

Wilkins said Lee was found on the floor of a second-story rear bedroom in her home, on Manton Street near 18th, but he declined to elaborate.

Two male neighbors, interviewed separately yesterday, said they would often see strange, white men in nice cars coming and going from the house during the day, when Stacey's boyfriend was at work.

Hopefully, someone will come forward with some info.This is another senseless death in the Transgendered community.