Thursday, October 21, 2010

Support "DADT" a film by Naomi G. Davis

Naomi G. Davis has started a great project here. She has a short film about DADT and I think it will be superb.

Here's more:

About this project

"DADT" is my NYU narrative thesis film. My last project as a student and my first shot to show the world what I can do. DADT is of course an acronym for 'Don't Ask Don't Tell,' a subject that is on many minds and is very close to my heart. Soldiers have been brutalized with no protection or defense from their superiors and the government. Their partners are not protected, taken care of or even notified when their loved ones die. Suicides, breakdowns and humiliation have been the result of our blase reaction toward the policy. This is why my team and I are making "DADT." 

DADT" is a short film, currently clocking in at 20 pages and will be shot in the first half of 2011. 
The film will come to life with professional actors and a crew of young, but talented and able students and alumni of NYU's film school. We will also be working with several different budgets and plans, because we understand that problems will arise. But no matter what may come, my producers and I are determined to get DADT made. Not only made, but made in the vision we have for the film and respectful of the men and women whose lives have been disrupted by the policy. 
Once the film has been shot and edited, it will take us on the festival circuit. 

We hope that you will help and support us as we journey into production and beyond.
More info is here

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