Friday, October 22, 2010

Save the Date: December 6 for the Prop. 8 Appeal

This coming around the corner, y'all. The court of appeals for the ninth circuit will hear the oral arguments for Prop 8 on December 6 at 10 in the morning in San Fran.

There's a part of me that wants to be there around that time. But who knows when it will settled.

Anywho, save the date.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I know the Court has already stated that the appealing party (Protect Marriage) needs to give a very clear explanation in their opening arguments as to why they have standing to appeal the case. (Hint: in this case, only the State of California *actually* has standing, and the State has declined to appeal...) I am keeping my fingers crossed that this will be a short appeal, and that the 9th Circuit will make the same determination that Judge Walker's beautiful ruling did.

    A fella can dream...
