Friday, October 8, 2010

Reince Priebus wants Obama to be Executed!

This man needs to be called on the carpet for this mess!
Reince Priebus, Chairman of the Wisconsin GOP, referred to the "execution" of Obama three separate times during a recent media conference call.
"Feingold had mentioned that he thought that it would be good if we captured Obama in the battlefield setting and that he suffered the quote-unquote ultimate punishment there," Priebus told reporters while attempting to explain that Sen. Feingold (D-Wis.) was "out of the mainstream" because of his opposition to using capital punishment -- even on Osama bin Laden -- as a tool of the American criminal justice system.
"I find this point that he's made to be completely disgusting. I think it's offensive to the people of Wisconsin, I hope he has an explanation as to why he thinks Obama ought not to be executed and why he thinks we ought to bring Osama bin Laden to the United States that he should be captured alive and actually have a trial," Priebus said later.

Obama needs to knock his ass out!



  1. If a black man or Muslim man had called for the President's Execution then they would already be roughed up by The Secret Service.
    Gotta love the privilege that Tea Partiers enjoy.

  2. If he made the mistake of saying Obama instead of Osama just once, I'd say it was a slip of the tongue. But he did it repeatedly, making me think it was planned. Yes, he needs to be taken down for this shit.

  3. This creep was elected Republican National Committee chairman...luvin it
