Sunday, October 17, 2010

Question of the Day: Comic Book Movie Edition

Who would be a great Superman in the NEW reboot?


  1. Ryan Reynolds. I mean after all, he's going to be in every comic book adaption next year anyway.

  2. Routh............ he was a good Superman in the LAST reboot.

    I am SO sick of ppl fucking about with the BEST hero in the DC universe.....

    jesus H !!!

  3. Mark Salling. He's got the looks and he's got the body. And I heard he was canned from his role as Puck in Glee. Sign him up for Superman!

  4. I thought Brandon was perfect. It wasn't his fault that the movie wasn't great. However, because he was associated with the last one I don't think they will give him a shot

  5. Routh! Bring him back. The movie was wack...not him.

  6. I loved Routh. But if they want to do something edgier, not sure they'll pick him.

  7. Routh; he was the only thing good about the last movie.

  8. If this movie is gonna be about a young Supes, I could see Cory Allan Monteith from Glee pulling it off. He looks like a young Clark to me. He could easily be Superboy and pull off the geek him up with glasses thing. Who knows! He also has that boy next door, farm boy look.
