Monday, October 25, 2010

Oh No! Teen Suicide maybe a Hoax!

This is disturbing.

Here's some interesting news from LGBTQ Nation
On Thursday we ran a story about the suicide death of a 17-year-old gay teen, Terrel Williams. Since the story ran, we discovered discrepancies among the facts provided by sources, which now leads us to question the credibility of the facts in this story.
What we have been able to ascertain is that the photo that ran with the story was not Terrel Williams — it was a photo of Donny Lumpkins, an individual who is alive and unrelated to this story.
The photo, purported to be of Terrel Williams was captured from two sources: Terrel’s Twitter page (which was eventually re-titled “MemoryOfTerrel,”) and an earlier tip on this story posted Oct. 13 at
Update, 10/23/2010: Additional findings over the past 24 hours have led us to conclude that this story is a hoax — the result of internet pranksters with nothing better to do than to fabricate stories about such a serious issue as teen suicides. We won’t comment on this story further so as not to dignify it with any additional attention. We were duped — we apologize to our readers, and to Mr. Lumpkins.
We hope this hoax will not detract from the real issue that suicide among LGBT youth has grown to epidemic proportions. The GLSEN reports that nearly 9 out of 10 LGBT youths experience harassment in school.

They have more info about this. I will keep y'all updated as more stuff comes in.

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