Wednesday, October 27, 2010

New Casting Info for True Blood Season 4

I got some TB news for this morning. Here are the first wave of new cast members for the next season:

* Marnie is a Z-list palm reader who’s painfully aware of what a joke she is — that is, until she comes to be possessed by the spirit of a real witch. Anybody else thinking said sorceress might turn out to be the Hallow character Alan Ball told me about back in August?
* Andy’s sister, Portia, is as easy on the eyes as she is sharp in the courtroom. And, since I hear possible portrayers have to be cool with nude scenes, we’re gonna get an eyeful.

* Naomi is an Asian-American cage fighter who, outside of the ring…er, cage…is hot-’n'-heavy with one of her female competitors. My hunch is that, driven away by brother Sam, Tommy starts putting up his dukes for money instead of his paws.
* Queen Mab is an elegant beauty who presides over a fantasy land that sounds a lot like the fairy domain into which Sookie (Anna Paquin) keeps being pulled. But, ethereal as her highness may be, she’s also got a temper…
* Suzanne McKittrick is a Real Housewives type who throws a hootenanny to bond with “her kind.” That “kind,” I’m thinking, being shapeshifters like buttoned-down African-American (and fellow newbie) Emory Broome.

More to come.



  1. Review of True Blood star Ryan Kwantens new film Red Hill @IAMROGUE "Ryan is perfect here"

  2. I am now up to date on all of the Sookie Stackhouse books. I personally prefer what Alan Ball does with the characters over Charlain Harris.
    However, the next story arc has to be one of my favorites of the series so far, so I am very eager to see what Alan Ball does with the next season and who he gets to play Hallow. He has a nack for casting the villians very well.
