Friday, October 1, 2010

Most Likely to be Norman Bates (Andrew Shirvell) has been Suspended!

Finally Attorney General Mike Cox woke the frak up and put crazy ass Andrew Shirvell on suspension for acting like a jealous ass ex lover, freak of nature.

Here's the story:
The suspension came a day after Cox told CNN he didn't intend to fire Shirvell, citing civil service rules that protect government employees from being "fired willy-nilly" for exercising their rights of free speech.
Cox said he hadn't earlier read all of Shirvell's blog, "Chris Armstrong Watch," that dogs Armstrong, the 21-year-old, openly gay president of U-M's student government and accuses him of "anti-Christian behavior," "mocking God," promoting homosexuality and trying "to recruit your sons and daughters" into the gay lifestyle.  "I'm at fault here," Cox said.
"I've been saying for weeks that (Shirvell's) been acting like a bully, that his behavior is immature, but it's after-hours and protected by the First Amendment." 
This man needs HELP, Jesus and the power of Greyskull. Andrew is not well, we see it and everybody knows it.



  1. Since most people never heard of Shirvell until this blew up. Mr. Cox & Mr. Shirvell both know that in some jobs off hours behavior can cause concerns about job performance. Could people be sure that Mr. Shirvell would be an impartial advocate for BGLT Michiganders?

    It probably is significant that Mr. Cox is term limited out and lost the Gubernatorial nomination, so probably just just doesn't care that much.

  2. Most likely suspended (with pay) just to deter media focus.

  3. Bullying protected by the First Amendment?

  4. I refuse to consider him as gay. No one that behaves that way can act and behave in that fashion. I do not know if Cox is looking for a re-post nor do I care. Shirvell needs to face the law, period.

    He is hateful and he needs to be behind bars. Maybe then, he will enjoy the company of other men. Fuck him.
